Too happily tired to write today as I was amused and taken care of by a beauty named Roquefort :)
So I will try to use pictures:

2. The Amsterdamse Manege (and it actually looks much more friendly: see picture5)
3. the Horses (they were very young and extremely beautiful -their size might have added to this perception of course, as they literally are HUGE! and this was what we were up to today, with a bunch of kids that were preparing for a competition and that all rode better than me :P they were really cool!)

4. the Stable (very nice one as you can socialise with your equine friends rather freely... I also liked the fact that everybody takes care of the horse before and after the ride, as I was told and always thought that you cannot be in love with your horse unless you take care of it yourself. It really was not posh at all, especially when compared to the Netherlandse Manege over the Overtoom...)

5. a nicer photo of the entrance. I think this one was taken in autumn. In summer the light is even more beautiful as it falls from among the leaves...

6. this is what I want to do before the summer ends! a nice gallop out in the forest and a big smile!
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