Is it not the time to ask from our governments for more deliberative democracies in which our opinions also count (and NOT through opinion polls or marker research, but in the real, political sense of the word)? Or are we done with thinking about politics? Do we think our choices and opinions about life and the structure and the content of your societies and democracies do not matter any more? Did we outsource thinking about politics? Has our passion for a better world been replaced by a passion for more consumption?
Over 250 people are dead by now as a result of the attacks on Lebanon. Israel is suffering from Hamas attacks as well. For those people that die, that evacuate their houses, that leave their livelihoods behind, our opinions DO MATTER!
One thing that a lot of people found shocking was this picture by

In a while, in a very short while, there will be no Lebanon as we know it. There will only be more rage, more blood, more dead, more tragedy, more anger, more tears, and less hope. All the balances that have been created in that society, all their history as they know will change. The people that are being murdered are civilians. How are we going to expect them to forgive and forget? War is a vicious circle. We should at least try to figure who makes the most of it, and bear wittness, and document this whole circle so that from the next generation of Israelis one or two individuals can have the slightest chance to read their history
from Arabian eyes...
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