All I can think is "What happened? Why are people protesting now?"
Naturally it takes a while to gather and organise as peace activists into a meaningful and active opposition group. Plus, it feels undignified to think "they must have reached a target of some sort, hence people are now allowed (and willing) to protest and the state can claim democracy, where there is none..." This is what wars does to people like me: I feel sick to my stomach, when I think of the things I am capable of thinking...
Still, it feels great to know that not all Israeli people are supporting this war (I wish one day I can say the same thing about the Jewish people I know as well...) It's great to know that some of those people that are against these crimes are still alive. And yet, it doesn't change the fact that more than a thousand civillians have been murdered by the Israeli army on government's decision...
hmpff... :(
An ad published in Haaretz, 26.7.06 reads

BACK TO 1982
THEN: The war was prepared well in advance.
THIS TIME: The same.
THEN: We went to war only to protect "the Peace of Galilee".
THIS TIME: We go to war to protect Haifa and Afula, too.
THEN: We waited for a provocation (the attempt on the life of Ambassador Argov).
THIS TIME: We waited for a provocation (the capture of two soldiers).
THEN: "We shall advance only 40 KM in order to eliminate the Katyushas."
THIS TIME: "We shall advance only a few kilometers in order to eliminate the rockets."
THEN: Sharon acted behind the back of the cabinet.
THIS TIME: Olmert-Peretz-Halutz act behind the back of the ministers.
THEN: We destroyed Lebanon.
THIS TIME: We are destroying Lebanon.
THEN: Only the PLO profited from the war. A few years later they returned to Palestine. THIS TIME: Only Hezbollah will profit from the war. Their prestige in the Arab world increases every day.
THEN: We were stuck in the quagmire for 18 years.
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