Tuesday, June 19, 2012

daha fazla bilgi icin buraya tiklayin

23 Haziran 2012, Cumartesi
09.00 Kayıt
09.15-09.30 Açılış Konuşması, Ulrike Dufner, Heinirch Böll Stiftung Derneği
09.30-10.00 Ana Konuşmacı, Wolfgang Merkel, Berlin Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Merkezi
10.00-12.30 Birinci Panel: Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Demokrasi Tartışmaları
Dünyada Demokrasinin Durumu ve Küresel Sorunlar
Susan Corke, Freedom House
Türkiye’de Demokrasinin Sorunları
Fuat Keyman, Sabancı Üniversitesi
Türkiye’de Demokrasiye Dışarıdan Bakış
Claude Weinber, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Derneği, Brüksel
Moderatör: Bekir Ağırdır, Konda Araştırma ve Danışmanlık
12.30-13.30 Ara
13.30-16.00 İkinci Panel: Doğrudan Demokrasi ve Katılımcılık
TBMM Araştırması: Bir Doğrudan Demokrasi Aracı Olarak Referandum
Ahmet Yıldız, TBMM
Referandum Siyasal Katılımı Artırmanın Bir Yolu Olabilir mi?
Ersin Kalaycıoğlu, Sabancı Üniversitesi
Doğrudan Demokrasi Aracılığıyla Siyasal Katılımı Arttırmak
İlker Gökhan Şen, Anadolu Üniversitesi
Moderator: Ulrike Dufner, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Derneği
16.00-16.15 Çay-Kahve Arası
16.15-18.45 Üçüncü Panel: Merkeziyetçilik Siyasal Katılım Açısından Bir Sorun mu?
Merkeziyetçilik-Federalizm ve Katılımcılık
Oktay Uygun, Maltepe Üniversitesi
Yerel ve Bölgesel Demokrasi
Harald Baldersheim, Oslo Üniversitesi
Katılımcılık Yoluyla Yerelin Güçlendirilmesi
Fikret Toksöz, TESEV
Moderator: Banu Güven, Gazeteci

24 Haziran 2012, Pazar
10.00-12.00 Dördüncü Panel: Yurttaş Hareketleri, Sivil Toplum ve Katılımcılık
Yurttaşların Demokrasinin Şekillendirilmesindeki Rolü
Anna Wohlfarth, Bertelsmann Vakfı
Yurttaş Katılım Ağları
Feray Salman, İHOP
Sivil Toplum, Siyasi Partiler ve Katılımcılık
Dirk Jörke, Greifswald Üniversitesi
Moderator: Coşkun Üsterci, TİHV
12.00-13.00 Ara
13.00-15.00 Beşinci Panel: Gençlik, Sosyal Medya ve Katılımcılık
Siyasal Katılım İçin Sosyal Medya Fırsatı
Falk Lüke, Dijital Toplum Derneği
Türkiye’deki Gençler ve Siyasal Katılım
Nur Kırmızıdağ, SETA Vakfı
Türkiye’de Gençlik, Sosyal Medya ve Siyasal Katılım
Esra Arsan, Bilgi Üniversitesi
Moderator: Yonca Verdioğlu, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Derneği

Re-investigate Dutch role in Indonesia, scholars say

© Radio Netherlands Worldwide
A new, comprehensive investigation should be launched into conduct of the Dutch military in the former Dutch East Indies in the years 1945-1949. This is the conclusion reached by three Dutch research institutes. 

The directors of the Institute for War Documentation NIOD, the Dutch Institute for Military History and the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies KITLV, told the Dutch daily newspaper that it is essential that further investigation take place, because the controversy over the role the Dutch military played in the region continues.
The three institutes estimate that a new investigation would cost 2 to 3 million euros and take about three years to complete. The directors point out that it would be essential that Indonesian historians and researchers be consulted. 
Last year, the Netherlands formally apologised and paid damages for the Rawagede massacre, in which the entire male population of that village, 431 people, were murdered by Dutch soldiers. Last month, a group of Indonesian families began proceedings to hold the Netherlands responsible for another bloodbath in South Sulawesi.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Elinor Ostrom's final article: Green from the Grassroots

Much is riding on the United Nations Rio+20 summit. Many are billing it as Plan A for Planet Earth and want leaders bound to a single international agreement to protect our life-support system and prevent a global humanitarian crisis.
Inaction in Rio would be disastrous, but a single international agreement would be a grave mistake. We cannot rely on singular global policies to solve the problem of managing our common resources: the oceans, atmosphere, forests, waterways, and rich diversity of life that combine to create the right conditions for life, including seven billion humans, to thrive.
CommentsWe have never had to deal with problems of the scale facing today’s globally interconnected society. No one knows for sure what will work, so it is important to build a system that can evolve and adapt rapidly.
CommentsDecades of research demonstrate that a variety of overlapping policies at city, subnational, national, and international levels is more likely to succeed than are single, overarching binding agreements. Such an evolutionary approach to policy provides essential safety nets should one or more policies fail.
CommentsThe good news is that evolutionary policymaking is already happening organically. In the absence of effective national and international legislation to curb greenhouse gases, a growing number of city leaders are acting to protect their citizens and economies.
CommentsThis is hardly surprising – indeed, it should be encouraged.
CommentsMost major cities sit on coasts, straddle rivers, or lie on vulnerable deltas, putting them on the front line of rising sea levels and flooding in the coming decades. Adaptation is a necessity. But, with cities responsible for 70% of global greenhouse-gas emissions, mitigation is better.
CommentsWhen it comes to tackling climate change, the United States has produced no federal mandate explicitly requiring or even promoting emissions-reductions targets. But, by May last year, some 30 US states had developed their own climate action plans, and more than 900 US cities have signed up to the US climate-protection agreement.
CommentsThis grassroots diversity in “green policymaking” makes economic sense. “Sustainable cities” attract the creative, educated people who want to live in a pollution-free, modern urban environment that suits their lifestyles. This is where future growth lies. Like upgrading a mobile phone, when people see the benefits, they will discard old models in a flash.
CommentsOf course, true sustainability goes further than pollution control. City planners must look beyond municipal limits and analyze flows of resources – energy, food, water, and people – into and out of their cities.
CommentsWorldwide, we are seeing a heterogeneous collection of cities interacting in a way that could have far-reaching influence on how Earth’s entire life-support system evolves. These cities are learning from one another, building on good ideas and jettisoning poorer ones. Los Angeles took decades to implement pollution controls, but other cities, like Beijing, converted rapidly when they saw the benefits. In the coming decades, we may see a global system of interconnected sustainable cities emerging. If successful, everyone will want to join the club.
CommentsFundamentally, this is the right approach for managing systemic risk and change in complex interconnected systems, and for successfully managing common resources – though it has yet to dent the inexorable rise in global greenhouse-gas emissions.
CommentsRio+20 has come at a crucial juncture and is undoubtedly important. For 20 years, sustainable development has been viewed as an ideal toward which to aim. But the first State of the Planet Declaration, published at the recent mammoth science gathering Planet Under Pressure, made it clear that sustainability is now a prerequisite for all future development. Sustainability at local and national levels must add up to global sustainability. This idea must form the bedrock of national economies and constitute the fabric of our societies.
CommentsThe goal now must be to build sustainability into the DNA of our globally interconnected society. Time is the natural resource in shortest supply, which is why the Rio summit must galvanize the world. What we need are universal sustainable development goals on issues such as energy, food security, sanitation, urban planning, and poverty eradication, while reducing inequality within the planet’s limits.
CommentsAs an approach to dealing with global issues, the UN Millennium Development Goals have succeeded where other initiatives have failed. Though not all MDGs will be met by the target date of 2015, we can learn a great deal from the experience.
CommentsSetting goals can overcome inertia, but everyone must have a stake in establishing them: countries, states, cities, organizations, companies, and people everywhere. Success will hinge on developing many overlapping policies to achieve the goals.
CommentsWe have a decade to act before the economic cost of current viable solutions becomes too high. Without action, we risk catastrophic and perhaps irreversible changes to our life-support system.
CommentsOur primary goal must be to take planetary responsibility for this risk, rather than placing in jeopardy the welfare of future generations.
CommentsElinor Ostrom passed away on June 12, 2012.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

you go boys...

Tournament statistics

0 Goals scored 1
28 Total attempts 12
8 Attempts on target 4
20 Attempts off target 8
0 Attempts blocked 0
1 Attempts against woodwork 0       
11 Corners 2
1 Offsides 1
1 Yellow cards 2
0 Red cards 0
8 Fouls committed 14       
11 Fouls suffered 18   

Monday, June 11, 2012

Chinese Manga: The Buffalo Boy's flute

The Buffalo Boy's Flute is a Chinese animated short, originally released in 1963, and directed by Te Wei, one of China's most prominent animation auteurs. This was the second film made using the "brush painting" animation technique, with the first being Tadpoles Looking For Their Mother, in 1960. The technique was developed by the artists at Shanghai Animation Film Studio beginning in the late 50s; although details of how the animation was achieved are still speculated on today, the actual technique is kept secret by the studio. Despite being banned shortly after its release (because it "didn't reflect the class struggle, and thus would numb the consciousness of the public") The Buffalo Boy's Flute remains one of China's most famous and acclaimed animated films.