Friday, May 11, 2007

V6.P2. Classic Art in New York - The Frick Collection

"The Frick Collection is housed in the former residence of Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919), the Pittsburgh coke-and-steel industrialist. The building, erected in 1913-14, was designed by the American architect Thomas Hastings in a style reminiscent of European domestic architecture of the eighteenth century.

Mr. Frick bequeathed the residence and the works of art he had collected over a period of forty years to the Board of Trustees, permitting it to add to his collection (almost a third of the paintings were acquired since his death) and to make it a center for the study of art and related subjects. After alterations and extensions were made to the building by John Russell Pope, it was opened to the public in 1935. A further extension, including a reception hall, exhibition galleries on a lower floor, and a garden, was completed in 1977."

these paintings never leave the building (which is a marvelous piece of art itself), so I feel lucky to have seen them, thanks to Rita, a wonderful person I met in the CSD conference. to check if you missed anything click here, and select your interest. You can also try the virtual tour.

I have already seen the Stubbs exhibition (or at least a major part of it) in London (and I was lucky enough to see my fave Stubbs paintings of all times: Whistlejacket), so I simply walked through the rooms to figure what was bothering me with his paintings. First of all I dislike his horses, he depicts them in a very humanised, restricted context, but his was too easy. I finally figured that it was his depiction of the sublime (in all those "horse being eaten by a lion" paintings) as a response the Burke's definition of the term that reduced my appreciation of him. Hence, I will see what I can do about it when I'm in London next time.

before I go and indulge myself to even more art, here is a wonderful painting -of saint francis whom I deeply appreciate- I looked at in amazement for minutes:
Bellini's St. Francis in the Desert from 1480

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